The DASH project was our clash with delivering real-time, production ready solution. Training models running in RT and optimizing the code for RT has shown some challenges that were not obvious at the first sight in offline development.
Our initial vision was to deliver beamforming model and apply a postfilter that would recognize speech and speech only. While we produced both parts of the pipeline, they could not be run together without experiencing delays. Our initial goal was to process an audio frame in 8ms, which was not unreasonable given the sheer compute amount provided by NVidia Xavier. Making any reasonable model run in 8ms was very hard, therefore had to settle to 16 millisecond window.
The core of the problem lied in the multiprocessing nature of the system. While we had an audio pipeline for processing of the frames, audio capture was best done in parallel, which in turn with infamous GIL, didn't really matter - they "stole" the time from the main thread whenever audio frame was available. Yielding from threads reduced the load by avoiding busy loops but still took a reasonable amount of time. We didn't manage to move the audio to separate process as we have done with GUI thread, but this could've been the solution.
Finally, when we reduced all interference to our software, we focused on optimization of the main loop. There were two different parts: the ANN runtime and the rest of the models.
We benchmarked the ANNs and removed some code introduced by Keras' predict()
by accessing the tensorgraph directly. The speed up was negligible, so I investigated on the
speed of Xavier's GPU, which was underwhelming. I've used cupy for some mock
multiplications, which are the most important operations in ANN computation. I've tested both
float32 and float16 (which allegedly speeds up Xavier even more), but there results here are
for float32 only:
import cupy as cp
import timeit
for i in range(3):
print("Iteration", i)
shapes = [
[1, 1, 256],
[1, 1, 257],
[1, 1, 512],
[1, 8, 257],
[1, 17, 257],
[1, 256, 256],
[1, 257, 257],
[1, 1, 514],
[1, 1, 1024],
[8, 1, 257],
[8, 17, 257],
[8, 257, 257],
for shape in shapes:
A = cp.random.random(shape)
B = cp.random.random([shape[-1], shape[-1]])
t = timeit.timeit(stmt='A @ B', number = 1000, globals=vars())
print("{}: {:5}ms".format(shape, 1000*t))
print("with reshaping:")
shapes = [
[8, 17, 257],
[8, 257, 257]
for shape in shapes:
A = cp.random.random(shape)
reduced = [shape[0] * shape[1], shape[2]]
B = cp.random.random([shape[-1], shape[-1]])
t = timeit.timeit(stmt='(A.reshape(reduced) @ B).reshape(shape)', number = 1000, globals=vars())
print("{}: {:5}ms".format(shape, 1000*t))
Iteration 0
[1, 1, 256]: 164.49233399907826ms
[1, 1, 257]: 162.88181699928828ms
[1, 1, 512]: 166.9752489997336ms
[1, 8, 257]: 167.6263890003611ms
[1, 17, 257]: 167.69980000026408ms
[1, 256, 256]: 458.2765119994292ms
[1, 257, 257]: 1007.2193309988506ms
[1, 1, 514]: 1576.276236999547ms
[1, 1, 1024]: 2555.831270999988ms
[8, 1, 257]: 3887.888352999653ms
[8, 17, 257]: 2933.9079300007143ms
[8, 257, 257]: 10879.743296000015ms
with reshaping:
[8, 17, 257]: 259.31916999979876ms
[8, 257, 257]: 4703.092271998685ms
Iteration 1
[1, 1, 256]: 4289.341556001091ms
[1, 1, 257]: 164.3023919987172ms
[1, 1, 512]: 166.42528699958348ms
[1, 8, 257]: 164.3583299992315ms
[1, 17, 257]: 166.11496699988493ms
[1, 256, 256]: 457.8283579994604ms
[1, 257, 257]: 1007.2986830000445ms
[1, 1, 514]: 1576.207312000406ms
[1, 1, 1024]: 2555.8297309999034ms
[8, 1, 257]: 3914.368211000692ms
[8, 17, 257]: 2891.042434001065ms
[8, 257, 257]: 10868.77109300076ms
with reshaping:
[8, 17, 257]: 263.361987999815ms
[8, 257, 257]: 4703.685815999052ms
Iteration 2
[1, 1, 256]: 4291.740508999283ms
[1, 1, 257]: 161.3545760010311ms
[1, 1, 512]: 166.4497570000094ms
[1, 8, 257]: 165.88479900019593ms
[1, 17, 257]: 167.56536799948663ms
[1, 256, 256]: 458.38125000045693ms
[1, 257, 257]: 1006.7699740011449ms
[1, 1, 514]: 1576.1703009993653ms
[1, 1, 1024]: 2555.9492989996215ms
[8, 1, 257]: 3986.134861001119ms
[8, 17, 257]: 2946.6131969984417ms
[8, 257, 257]: 10875.999005000267ms
with reshaping:
[8, 17, 257]: 265.01908200043545ms
[8, 257, 257]: 4700.0457489994005ms
What has stricken me was the lack of differences between several first shapes and drastic effect of thresholding (e.g. 512 vs 514 units in multiplication) on the total runtime. The Xavier unit has 512 cores that operate in parallel, so that threshold seemed natural. But some differences between computation times were surprising. It seemed that reshaping the input from batches to time dimension reduced the runtime drastically without changing the meaning of the operation. It was more optimal to perform double transposition and multiplication on transposed arrays than the straightforward operation.
This all could've been the gimmicks of the cupy implementation. Our observations however were confirmed in practice, as we were able to run LSTM on eight concurrent channels with no noticeable slowdown compared to a single channel. This helped us a lot and pointed out how inefficient our code was with the compute that was available.
Tegra units are made for image processing, which is significatly different than dense computations we performed in our networks. This could explain the significant loss of performance as most image processing consists of 4D convolution operation and the hardware was optimized for this operation. Nevertheless we wanted to use the GPU for other operations that could be easily parallelized. The MVDR after all is calculated at each frequency separately.
MVDR and other parts that were required to use it had two bottleneck operations. First was inversion of the covariance matrices. The second - finding the eigenvector.
Our first implementation using numpy used for loop and np.linalg.inv() and was obviously inefficient. Built-in inv() can be run in parallel for each matrix designated by last two indices and this solution solved the problem slightly above 7ms of wall time. This was insufficient, but we couldn't shave it off. Natural thought was to run it on GPU. CuPy implementation however performed the inversion
Similar problems were encountered in eigenvector decomposition. Our final solution was to use an iterative method that moved the eigenvector towards the desired direction with each iteration. Cupy implementation was of no help either.
Single channel instances of DASH demo were able to run more smoothly on my i5 laptop than on the Xavier. This has shown how underutilized the GPU was.
Xavier is an excellent tool capable of running multiple data streams in parallel. Our project wasn't the most optimized, but the results are interesting - we probably would be able to process more recordings at once (we didn't hit the limit on channels), but not necessarily faster. Our autoencoders could reliably run under 6ms out of required 16ms and there were no problem with running multiple channels at once in our masking network. Xavier offers interesting scaling possibilities, but those are probably mostly horizontal as far as real-time is concerned. Operations that are not typically expressed as multiplication of large matrices were not optimal, especially when the task consisted of multitude of very small matrices (as in the inversion). If you are building real-time solution on Xavier, stick to neural networks and avoid unconventional operations. LSTM is also probably the bad solution unless you really need it.
This conclusion could obviously be incomplete, as there are dedicated units for other operations, as well as dedicated sound processing unit. We didn't touch this submodule (and could not find any documentation either), therefore it is possible that using some clever low-level programming and crafting the implementations of the algorithms to be run in speech enhancement methods the limitation we experienced can be omitted.
- Paweł Tomasik